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At Jyden Workwear A/S workwear is not just workwear. Our customers must be able to have confidence in the clothes they wear. The collection at JW has been subject to large focus on specificic quality demands but also ond worldwide environment and not least that the human manpower does not suffer any harm. We are very carefull not to produce workwear without considering environment and community. To us it is not only important to be able to offer a wide range of workwear, but also to be able to guarantee that everything has been made thinking of and respecting the environment.

UN’s Global Compact

At Jyden Workwear A/S we have joined the UN Global Compact with 10 principles focusing on community responsibility and sustainability. The principles are grounded on internationally acknowledged conventions regarding human rights, labour rights, environment and anti-corruption. At Jyden Workwear A/S we have actively chosen to obligate ourselves to include these 10 principles in our business activities as we find these principles to be important to run an ethnically responsible company. At Jyden Workwear A/S we are convinced that this is the key to a healthy and wellfunctioning company.


Unfortunately you cannot take it for granted that the clothes you buy has been produced using materials that are good for you and the environment. Therefore it is important to stress that we do not sell clothes containing dangerous materials. Our collection at Jyden Workwear A/S has therefore been Oeko-Tex cerified giving you a guarantee that we use only environmentally friendly materials that do not contain dangerous substances. A.o. our products are tested for allergy-causing dyestuffs which can harm the nervous system and inner organs. Oeko-Tex is the worlds leading health and environment marking for textiles and similar materials. This voluntary marking is known under the name “Trustworthy textiles” which we fully support.


Bluesign also supports the environmental textile production where dangerous substances are removed at the beginning of the production process. This secures that the final textile product fulfils very strict demands on end-user safety, labour safety and environmental burdens. Our products at Jyden Workwear A/S live up to these standards.